Lara-Ann Wingreen


Lara is a Senior Exercise Physiologist at Hiya Health Cleveland. Lara graduated from QUT in 2019 with a passion for making an impact and helping people change their lives for the better. 

Starting off in community care, Lara developed skills to provide holistic care through exercise prescription and enjoys building a genuine connection with her clients. Lara has a particular interest and skills in Hydrotherapy, Healthy Ageing and Neurological Conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons Disease and Cerebral Palsy. Although these are Lara’s interest area’s, she enjoys taking on any clients and assisting them achieve their goals. 

Lara loves being your biggest cheerleader but when she is not at work she enjoys going camping, to the beach, spending time with friends and family and playing (aka winning) card games.

  • Musculoskeletal
  • Neurological conditions
  • Paediatrics
  • Reformer Pilates
  • Community Care
  • Hydrotherapy

“I find great satisfaction in helping my clients achieve their goals, whether it be lifting a certain weight in the gym or being able to lunge to improve their bowls or being able to do a standing transfer, no matter what your goal is I would love to help you achieve it!

I truly believe exercise is medicine and more people should be prescribed to it. I certainly know from my own life that when I am consistently exercising I have improved mood, improved productivity and am much more physically able (just to name a few!). 

I enjoy working in the multidisciplinary team we have here at Hiya Health as it provides the client with more holistic care and provides me with opportunities to expand my knowledge and more opportunities to socialise.”


Lara-Anne Wingreen, Exercise Physiologist