Jaireh Erkkila


Meet Jai, a trustworthy Exercise Physiologist (EP) with a strong passion for helping those in the community achieve their health and fitness goals. Jai acquired his knowledge of a variety of heath conditions and exercise prescriptions whilst completing his Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology at QUT, graduating in 2021. Since the beginning of 2022, Jai had been working as an EP in Brisbane prior to finding his place among the team at Hiya Health in November of 2022. 

With years of experience designing and delivering personalised exercise programs that are fun, safe and effective, Jai has been able to work with a wide variety of individuals each with their own unique needs, abilities and health related goals. His clinical experience covers a wide range of health concerns including, but not limited to, cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, and musculoskeletal conditions. Through his compassionate and attentive coaching style, Jai helps guide and empower his clients to make positive lifestyle choices and build long term healthy habits that will lead to lasting health benefits.

When Jai is not spending time guiding his clients towards happier and healthier lives, he can often be found outdoors, whether that be swimming in the ocean, hiking mountains or traveling the coastline in search of waves. 

  • Musculoskeletal
  • Neurological conditions
  • Paediatrics
  • Athletic development
  • Healthy ageing & falls prevention
  • Mental health

“By working with and being able to witness first-hand my clients conquer their individual challenges and achieve their goals gives me an indescribable sense of fulfilment and reinforces the profound impact that exercise physiology can have on enhancing lives. 

I have also grown to appreciate the never-ending supply of good quality banter provided by the team at the Sunnybank clinic”.



Jai Erkkila, Exercise Physiologist