Hirushi is an experienced Physiotherapist at Hiya Health Beenleigh. In 2023, Hirushi completed her Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) at UQ and subsequently commenced working in 2024. Prior to obtaining her specialist qualifications, she worked as a kid’s gymnastics coach before joining Hiya Health.
With a passion for providing client centred care and empathy, Hirushi maintains an active role as a Physiotherapist.
Hirushi follows an integrated approach to patient management and actively collaborates in multidisciplinary team meetings to elevate the level of care for her patients.
Her clinical experiences cover a wide range of challenges including, Paediatrics, MSK, Neurological, ASD/ADHD management.
When Hirushi is not spending her time bringing out the best potential in her clients, she enjoys spending her downtime with her family, reading, doing yoga and dancing.