Eloise Smith


Eloise is an Occupational Therapy at Hiya Health located at both Redcliffe and Caboolture Clinics. In 2023, Eloise completed her Bachelor of Occupational Therapy at the Australian Catholic University and subsequently commenced her role working at Hiya Health. 

Eloise’s areas of interest include, but are not limited to, community support, neurological and chronic health conditions, occupational rehabilitation, and assistive technology and home modifications. 

Eloise follows an individualised, evidence-based approach to patient management and support while actively participating in a multidisciplinary team to ensure an appropriate and tailored intervention plan. 

When not at work, Eloise enjoys spending time with family and friends, going on outdoor adventures for bush walks or beach days, and a lot of coffee!

  • Child & Youth Mental Health
  • Neurological conditions
  • Paediatrics

I value the time I spend with people at Hiya Health and I have a genuine passion for building connections and empowering people to tell their story. I aspire to be someone that makes an impact on others not only in their therapy progression, but a person they can connect with and craft meaningful relationships with.

My favourite part about working as an Occupational Therapist is hearing the incredible stories people tell and the broad variety of experiences that come with this profession. I also enjoy the close knit team that we have here at Hiya Health working closely together to support individuals in their therapy goals.”


Eloise Smith, Occupational Therapy