Supervised Weight Management

Supervised Weight Management at Hiya Health

The benefits of maintaining a healthy weight are far reaching. Beyond the obvious physical benefits, maintaining a healthy weight has many health benefits, including:


Decreased cancer risk


Longer Life Expectancy


Better Sleep


More Motivation to Exercise


Increased Fertility


Decreased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes


Improved Heart Health

Our Programs

Whilst for many achieving a target weight seems a long way off, by combining advanced and clinically proven exercise and training techniques, a structured diet plan and support and guidance from our expert team, results are not only possible, they are guaranteed.

Strength training with exercise physiologist and private client

Our method

Our weight management exercise programs combine HIIT (high intensity interval training), resistance, pilates, circuit and cardiovascular training modules. This varied but structured program is tailored to your personal experience and fitness level as well as to your preferred level on the pain and gain continuum. This may sound trivial however we are interested on helping you achieve a sustainable, long term healthy weight and your interest and enjoyment in the process is KEY to any program’s success.

Dietitian consultation with male client

What you eat is also super important

In addition, throughout the weight management process you will be supported in managing your diet. This can vary from person to person but may involve anything from education and guidance around food and nutrition, simple strategies to improve food intake, recipes and meal planning. Our accredited practicing dietitian will work with you to achieve your individualised goals as well as give you the skills and ability to maintain your progress longer term.

No quick fix

Some weight management service providers offer more of a ‘mad dash’ to a target weight. Whilst this may work for some, for the majority it can often be a just a peak that quickly returns to a trough due to lack of long term interest and enjoyment.


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