Home Visits


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Home visits with Hiya Health

Our dedicated team comprising experts in Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology, Occupational Therapy, Dietetics and Hydrotherapy is ready to cater to your needs in the comfort and familiarity of your own home.

We understand that some circumstances may make it challenging for you to come to our clinic, and our home visit services are designed to ensure you receive the same high-quality care without any inconvenience to you

Home visits at your convenience

Whether it’s post-operative care, rehabilitation, Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology or Dietetics, our professionals will come equipped with the expertise and necessary equipment to provide you with effective and personalised care within your home environment.

At Hiya Health, we prioritise your comfort and well-being, and our home visit services reflect our commitment to ensuring that you receive the care you deserve, wherever you are.

Note that all initial consultations need to take place within the clinic, however subsequent home visits are available once the initial assessments and treatment plan has been developed.

modification of pouring hot water for home visits occupational therapy

How Hiya Health are different

Female physiotherapist with mature client

Our approach is centred around You

At Hiya Health we recognise that everybody’s health and wellbeing is unique and personal. Some of us are high energy sprinters, others slow and steady achievers; some like to focus and work towards their goals in private, others love to turn therapy & exercise into a social occasion.

assessment with a physiotherapist

We understand where you want to get to, and we know how to get you there.

Health conditions bring many challenges and can impact everything from the ability to perform daily activities, to one’s confidence and independence. Hiya Health provides comprehensive support and assistance to improve function, movement skills, mobility, and balance. Our programs also reduce the risk of accidents such as trips and falls.

Home modifications with an Occupational Therapist

We’re your local health experts

Hiya Health clinicians are experienced in designing personalised solutions that meet our clients varied and unique needs. We understand that ability and the effect that symptoms have on day-to-day life will be different for every person.

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