
Dietitian services at Hiya Health

What is Dietetics?

Dietetics is the practice of food and nutrition in relation to managing overall health and wellbeing. This can include the prevention of a health condition or the treatment of a health condition after diagnosis.

What is a Dietitian?

Accredited Practicing Dietitians hold a tertiary degree qualification governed by Dietitians Australia. As allied health professionals, they specialise in diet and nutrition and their effects on the body. Dietitians use evidence-based research, nutrition, behavioural science, and social experiences to enhance health, prevent illness, and guide individual dietary choices. Recognising that there is no one-size-fits-all approach, dietitians work with you personally to achieve your specific health goals and needs.

FREE 15 minute discovery call

Our Free 15 Minute Discovery Telehealth call lets us efficiently explore the following with you and work out the best next steps via a quick Telehealth call:

  • What challenges or struggles do they currently have?
  • What are their goals for working with you?
  • Which service are they interested in?
  • Tell me about yourself and your health journey
  • What problems are you trying to resolve right now?
  • What have you tried so far?

Difference between a nutritionist and dietitian?

dietitian with young client

While both dietitians and nutritionists focus on diet and nutrition science, there are key differences to consider when choosing a practitioner.

In Australia, dietitians must complete a university degree and register with Dietitians Australia, maintaining their registration through ongoing professional development and adherence to evidence-based practice guidelines.

dietitian showing food groups

Nutritionists in Australia, however, do not need to register with a governing body, and the title is not protected. This means anyone can call themselves a nutritionist regardless of their education or training. Some may have comprehensive nutrition degrees, while others may have no formal education. Consequently, the level of training and qualification among nutritionists can vary widely.

According to the Nutrition Society of Australia, nutritionists are not qualified to provide medical nutrition therapy, a service that falls within the dietitian’s scope of practice.

What can a dietitian help with?

Dietitians cover a wide range of areas of health and wellbeing including the management of acute and chronic conditions. Dietitians are trained to provide medical nutrition therapy within the hospital, community or private practice setting to support and improve health outcomes.


Weight management (weight loss, weight gain, weight maintenance)


Gastrointestinal Conditions (irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease, Gastroparesis, coeliac disease, diverticular disease, etc.


Chronic disease management; Type I Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), Type II Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), Cardiovascular or heart conditions, Pulmonary conditions such as COPD, Liver health, Chronic kidney disease, cancer and many more.


General healthy eating and support meeting specific nutritional requirements


Oncology or cancer management (loss of appetite, taste changes, fatigue management).


Fussy eating, Feeding concerns (ASD, ADHD, ARFID, etc).


Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, Avoidant Restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) and Other specified feeding and eating disorders (OSFED).


Sports Nutrition (performance-based nutrition).


Malnutrition support.


 Pancreatitis (Acute and chronic)


Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal).


Bariatric surgery (preoperative management, post operative management)


Acute bowel conditions such as obstructions and bowel resections including stomal management.


Nutrient deficiencies (E.g. iron deficiency)


Enteral Feeding Regimes (once discharged from hospital) E.g PEG feed, PEJ feed, all feed types.


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Common Referral types:


Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)




Private Appointment


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Accepting referrals now

*10% off 5 x session packs promotion applies to subsequent 30 minute sessions with a dietitian for private health members only. An initial appointment with the dietitian is still required to be attended prior to utilising the subsequent sessions as part of this promotion.

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