NDIS Job readiness program

Building strength for employment success

At Hiya Health, we believe that everyone should be afforded the opportunity to join the workforce no matter what their circumstances. 

With that in mind, we have designed our new NDIS Job Readiness Program led by our experienced Exercise Physiologists. The program has been created to enhance physical abilities and equip participants with the strength they need to excel in the workplace.

our services

Why choose our program?

Our program is a one of a kind, that is custom-tailored to each individual participant depending on their needs.

We offer:

  1. Specialised exercise physiology
  2. Functional training
  3. Individualised assessment
  4. Goal-oriented approach
  5. Supportive environment

We know that taking the leap into the workforce can be a challenge, so we are here to support each participant in reaching their goals to a positive outcome.

assessment with a physiotherapist

Who is the program suited for?

This program has been designed specifically for those participants where:

  • They’ve identified a Goal to enter the Workforce
  • Are mentally or emotionally ready  (or working on readiness) to enter the workforce, but also
  • Have a pre-existing medical condition or disability that will necessitate physical preparedness to be integrated into their service plan – enabling them to enter the workforce safely with the resilience, stamina, strength, and mobility required for various job roles.
physio with client on exercise ball

Are you ready?

Our NDIS Job Readiness Program is for those Participants who are Mentally ready – but will need some Physical Readiness as well in order to achieve their Goal, and not suffer untimely and avoidable setbacks in achieving their Goal.


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