
Kurt is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist. In 2023, Kurt completed his Bachelor of Exercise Physiology at James Cook University in Townsville. He then commenced working in a private practice clinic where he gained exposure to a wide range of challenges including both chronic diseases and common musculoskeletal issues.

After obtaining his professional titling with the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association, Kurt began working closely with youth athletes from a range of sporting disciplines. This work included the utilisation of VALD assessment techniques and velocity base training methods (VBT) to help improve athletic performance. Kurt also has experience in coaching team preseason conditioning as well as in-season strength/power maintenance for various sports.

Kurt utilises his exercise prescription skills to help have a integrated approach to his clients and actively participates in multidisciplinary team meetings to help elevate the level of care for his patients. His clinical experience covers areas including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic conditions, musculoskeletal injuries and neurological conditions.

When Kurt is not working, he enjoys spending his spare me focusing on his personal fitness goals, binging a good Netflix series or meeting up with family & friends at a nearby café.


ASCA Associate (Professional in progress) Level 2 Strength and Conditioning Coach (2024).

Bachelors Of Clinical Exercise Physiology (2023)

Bachelors of Sports & Exercise Science (2022)

  • Sports injury prehab/rehab
  • Metabolic, Cardiovascular, Pulmonary
  • Neurological (regressive + progressive)
  • Musculoskeletal (Bursitis sites, Hip replacement, tendinopathies)
  • Cricket, Table Tennis, AFL, Rugby Union, Basketball
  • Youth strength Development
  • MAS conditioning, Speed, Acceleration field/court work