Golf Performance

Golf is a game where an extra 10 metres of distance can make a world of difference to your overall score and handicap.

Research shows that improving the distance of your driver by 10 metres can lead to an average reduction of 1.8 strokes per round. So, what can we do to improve our swing speed and ball striking to achieve these enhancements?

Impact of Changed distances on strokes gained


Our approach

At Hiya Health, our physiotherapist Luke Stephens, who has completed his TPI Level 1 Certification, has developed the expertise needed to assess, screen, and create programs to enhance your golf performance.

initial assessment with client

Initial consultation

We start with a thorough initial consultation, taking you through the TPI screening process. This helps us determine your strengths and identify areas for improvement to enhance your ball striking ability. We then break this down into a Fitness Handicap, giving you a clear understanding of where you stand compared to others in the sport and providing you with targets to strive for.

Personalised exercise and mobility plan

Based on the screening process, we work with you to set your goals and create a tailored exercise and mobility plan to address any deficits. Regular retesting is implemented to measure the effectiveness of the plan and make adjustments as needed.

Collaboration with golf coaches

If you are working with a golf coach, we are happy to collaborate with them, sharing our findings and insights to ensure you have a team of professionals dedicated to achieving the best outcomes for your game.

Who we work with:


Golfers with persistent injuries


Golfers looking to improve performance and scoring


Female golfers


Golfers returning from injuries


Junior golfers


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Golf Physiotherapists

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